Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Win!

I actually came home today carrying more money than I had when I left in the morning.  If I have touched the low water mark (which is obviously far from a guarantee) the depth of the swong was 290 bets.  I don't actually keep that stat, but I don't think I've ever taken one much worse than that (although I can think of two that were in the ballpark).  This one was particularly painful since close to a 1/3rd of it was in pretty large games (1/2 and 60), which someone makes it feel worse than if the whole thing had just happened in the same game.  The dollar figure looks to be a shade under $30k, but like I said, there is no guarantee it's over.  I could simply do the exact same thing again, starting from here, and after that I really would just give up I suppose.  I made a tilty comment to J-dub as Hasan was binking a two outter on me for the 15th time in 3 days (in my last three sessions with him, his Q8 has cracked my 22 on Q72, his 44 has cracked my 22 on 632, and his KK has cracked my AQ on A63) that I shouldn't have made, something like "That's how you lose $30k straight" and he actually responded "hey don't talk to me I am the king of the 1500 bet down swing."  Like, he said that.  Really. He thinks he lost 1500 bets playing in games where he had an edge.  That's just phenomenal to me, really, but doesn't even take the cake for the most amazing thing I heard in the last week.  I was talking to "long time grinder pro from the great state of Montana" and he confided in me that he has posted, and I am not making this up, "over 40 straight winning months".  I cannot even imagine the chicanery he has been pulling in order to do that.  He is the nittiest game selector I have ever seen, but three and a half years without a losing month?  Are you fucking kidding me?  I have already had one this year (and am staring number two right in the face I have like a 3% chance of pulling out of it), and I had three last year and two in 2011, so that's going to be 7 out of 27 vs 0 out of 40.  Talk about a life time heater.....


JoshW said...

To be fair, the 1500 bets, only half of it was live. Tilt definitely accounted for some of it (although at the time I swore up and down that it didn't). And, geez, my overall winrate is still over 1.1 big bet per hour in 15,000+ hours, so I'm reasonably confident I have an edge in that game.


JoshW said...

And...it wasn't "Don't talk to me", it was "you're preaching to the choir".

jesse8888 said...

I know it wasn't a "don't talk to me". I also know that your stats from 2004-2007 have exactly nothing to do with predicting your wr in 2010.

DosXX said...

Is this for real? You win one day and write a blog about a low water mark? Headasplode. I hope you won 150 bets.

jesse8888 said...

I mean, the second sentence was "obviously far from a guarantee" but I was hoping to try out positivity and optimism for once instead of soul crushing pessimism. And yeah, I won a huge huge number, not 150 but I think close to 70.