Tuesday, February 19, 2013

General Update

I played 1/2 all day Sunday and I think doing so was a pretty big mistake.  Not because I lost (although I did get murdered) necessarily, but more because I could tell I just wasn't comfortable in the game.  I've been focusing on playing in full ring games with very weak opposition, where my win rate (in terms of bets) should be very high.  So walking into Commerce at 9:30am and sitting down in a 3 handed 1/2 game with one fish and two super laggy professionals probably wasn't the best idea.  It was part ego ("I can beat these guys") and part group think ("most pros would think this is an awesome game") but honestly I just ended up playing 7 hours in a game where my edge was pretty nebulous (it didn't fill well), or at least not large enough to justify the emotional and financial peril I was putting myself though.  Like, I dunno, I just never have gotten super comfortably in short handed aggressive games, and I need to remember that next time I want to put $20k in play sitting on Kim's left pushing the cold-cap button with A8s.

So then yesterday turned into a giant fuckaroo.  I went to the Bike, and of course there was no game.  The host blew myself and a prop off after we drew cards to start the promotion ("Deuce to Seven triple draw with The Host lol"), so I got frustrated and drove off, even though I knew the most lovable regular of all time was likely coming at 11.  Sure enough at 11 on the dot my phone buzzed that he was there so what did I do?  I drove back.  Stupid, right?  Right.  So I get back there and what has happened?  They're all playing...20/40.  So to make a long story short I left the house at 8:30am, went to the gym, and played 3.5 hours of 20/40 by 3:30pm and then got frustrated and simply went home.

Today, however, was better.  I had better information on the bike game, went in at 10am and started 3 handed with two players I knew would be there and knew would start with me, won a few racks, made my cross town transfer and won 30 more bets before calling it a day at 6:30pm.  So that was good...


Shaman said...

Kim in awesome, and has never been afraid to put in action with even what she believed was the tiniest edge.

avoidthe9to5 said...

or when she's behind, or drawing dead =P

jesse8888 said...

One of my goals in life, which is now oh so close to happening, is to play in a 40 game with both her and the Crazy Alabaman. After hundreds or even thousands of hours I still honestly don't have a god damned clue how either of them do it.