Sunday, June 26, 2016

And...we're back

I can't imagine there are many people left reading, we go.

I quit my software job 3 months ago and just spent 2 weeks in Vegas for the WSOP.  I did these things because...well, because I wanted to basically.  I'm going to move forward doing things for that exact reason, and really none other.  Here comes a list of true statements.

I am addicted to Boom Beach and Clash of Clans.  They are both fun.

I have played over 500 hours of poker this year and I am killing it.

Sports betting?  Free money.

Death Donkey?  Champion.

I'm working on health and fitness because they should never be less than like priority 3 for anybody ever.  I am currently a giant fat ass, but I will lose the weight and keep the strength because I can.

That's about it.  I'm going to write more, I promise, because writing is who I am and I enjoy it.